Cuore 3D | Development and printing of three-dimensional myocardial prototypes | Supported by Regione Piemonte Fondo POR-FESR 2014-2020 |
MuoviPro | Industrialization of portable electromyographic signal amplifier | Supported by Regione Piemonte Fondo POR-FESR 2014-2020 |
VIR | Validation of integration of a smart system for advanced analysis | Supported by Regione Piemonte Fondo POR-FESR 2014-2020 |
BioFApp | Bioelectrical Fatigue App | Supported by Regione Piemonte Fondo POR-FESR 2014-2020 |
LoBApp | Low Back pain motor control App | Supported by Regione Piemonte Attività I.1.3 - 2016 |
MoRA | Movement Recognition Armband | Supported by Regione Piemonte Attività I.1.3 - 2015 |
BioWiD | Biomedical Wireless Device | Supported by Regione Piemonte Attività I.1.3 - 2015 |
HExEC | Hand Exoskeleton Emg Controlled | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2012 - 2014 |
LAGRANGE Start-Up | Development of a EEG wireless equipment | Supported by Fondazione CRT 2009-2010 |
Voucher | Development of an wearable equipment to monitor bruxism | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2008-2009 |
Photo-IN | Development of ID and Credit Card Checker | Supported by Fondazione Torino Wireless 2006-2007 |
ASIBAS | Development of electrode rectal probes to investigate sphincter muscles | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2006-2007 |
LAGRANGE | Development of rectal probes to investigate puborectalis muscle | Supported by Fondazione CRT 2004-2005 |
SINAPSI | Development of 16 channel MMG device | Supported by Fondazione CRT 2004-2005 |
SINAPSI | Development of EMG probe to investigate gracilis muscle | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2004-2005 |
SINAPSI | Development of biomechanical measurement device MISO II | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2003-2004 |
DIADI | Development of new flexible EMG arrays | Supported by Regione Piemonte 2002-2003 |