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EMG-USB2+ gain settings

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if there is an easy way to check in real time the correct gain settings to make sure that the EMG signals are not clipped.

Thank you!

Hello Patricia,

As "clipped" channels do you mean "saturating channels"?

In general when there are few flat channels this could be due to the setup itself (sensor and cream application) but it could happens that the saturation doesn't involve all the channels of the matrix but just few of them. I'd suggest to run the acquisition with a default gain, and if you see some flat channels change the gain in order to understand if the problem involves the setup or not.

If changing gain the flat channels disappear you know it's due to saturation. I'm not sure at 100% but maybe you can change the gain of the EMG-USB2+ from the device itself during the acquisition.


Hi Simone,
thanks for your reply. With clipping I was more referring to the signals (from all channels) that are clipped due to a high gain. Is there a common way to test in real time if the gain settings are optimal for the individual participant?

Thank you!

Hi Patricia,

the saturation problem is affected by gain, impedance of the skin and interference. The optimal gain value is greatest one that allows you to see the muscle activity with no saturation. If you want to find the perfect gain I would start by setting a value and increase it until you see saturation. When you reach that point decrease it to the previous value and use that one.