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Triggering Quattrocento


I am trying to externally trigger Quattrocento using the XSense Awinda system and MT Manager sotware.
Awinda station can send a trigger-out signal that is 3.3V to the trigger connector of Quattrocento, and it is supposed to start recording, right?

Fabio ha reagito a questo messaggio.

Hi Marta,

yes it's exactly as you said, in the backpanel of the quattrocento if you connect a trigger to the "trigger" connector the device will check it and if it finds a rise edge (over 2.5V) the recording will be automatically restarted in the otbiolab software. The recording will continue until the device doesn't recognize a falling edge (under 2.5V). In this way, you will obtain a file related to the time during which the trigger signal was higher than 2.5 V.

Thank you for this post, hope this will be helpful.


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